MARCH 3RD SINCE TIME BEGAN : salus populi suprema est lex - the right of the people is the supreme law : IN TRUTH WE TRUST 2019 A.D.E.
6. SIPO Theme Cities Are The Central MSA Commercial Mission Template
1. GTIF (2013) Is Transitioned Into Supranational Indigenous Peoples Org
7. MSA : Master Services Agreement : Peace Trust Friendship : Protocol
2. SIPO : Supranational Indigenous Peoples Organization : OPIS
8. Free Prior Informed Consent Doctrine Secures Just Society Principles
3. SIPO Ascribes To 1947 Einstein Petition For Peacemaking Enterprises
9. Governance Is Structured Through The Two Row Wampum Covenant
5. ULC : Universal Land Claim : Is Central Ancestral Homeland Doctrine
10. Indian Trust Fund Redemption Secures Honour Between Nations
SINCE TIME BEGAN : salus populi suprema est lex - the right of the people is the supreme law : IN TRUTH WE TRUST
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